
Although some curtains are small, they can also show your taste and you can choose any kinds of curtains and you can also choose suitable patterns of your curtains, and you will be so surprised. Actually, you can choose purple curtains because they can bring you excellent feelings and they can make you feel you are in sea of lavender.

If you want to add some decorations on your curtains, it can also be simple. You can choose two kinds of suitable fabrics and sew one of them on the other, and that make your curtains just like wearing dresses.

In addition, you can also use vintage handkerchief to decorate your curtains, and you should not look down them because they can be excellent decorations and curtains with lace can make your home look so gorgeous.

Modern Home Linen and Cotton Blended

If your home have shutters, you are handy man, you can also change the styles of your curtains. You can fold the fabrics of your curtains and ensure two sides of the curtains have the same length, and then you can tie a bow on your curtains to make them look different.

If you love DIY, you can choose tablecloth to help you make your curtains and they can be beautiful curtains. You can also add some beautiful decorations to make the collocation look natural and beautiful.

Do you want to make your curtains to have perfect effect? Green curtains can be necessary for you and you should not lose the chance to make your home look beautiful and unique. (Curtains Events)

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